What is a Video Storyboard? Benefits and When To Use One

Storytelling takes center stage in today’s busy digital content and video centered world. But how do you ensure your message is delivered clearly in a sea of other marketing videos? Video storyboard magic! It’s like having a blueprint that guides your camera angles and movement, sparks your creative vision, and ensures your message effectively reaches your target audience.

Zight | September 14, 2023 | 8 min read time

Article Last Updated: September 14, 2023

What is a Video Storyboard? Benefits and When To Use One

Simply put, a video storyboard is the foundation for your video, ensuring that every aspect is well thought out. While traditionally, video storyboards have been used in complex videography for films and the likes, today you can create a video storyboard before starting your screen recording, product demos, tutorials, or how-to lessons.

By the end of this read, you’ll know when to use a video storyboard and when you should wield its magic wand to ensure your entire production team is on the same page. It’s about making a video and crafting an experience that resonates with your target audience and effectively delivers your key messages. Let’s dive into the world of video storyboards and how Zight can take your storytelling skills to the next level!

What is a Video Storyboard?

A video storyboard is a visual representation tool used extensively in the pre-production phase of video creation. It serves as a blueprint for the entire video project, breaking the narrative into a sequence of illustrated frames or panels. It is typically for scenarios requiring a structured approach but not as complex as full-fledged film production.

Each frame depicts a specific moment or scene, similar to a comic strip, and includes essential details such as camera angles, character positions, and key actions.

While storyboards are often associated with filmmaking, they can be incredibly beneficial for simpler video projects like tutorials, knowledge base articles, or customer support documentation. The kind of easy and extremely useful videos you can make with Zight’s feature-packed screen recording software.

A video storyboard typically includes:

  • Visual Representation: Sketches or images representing each scene or step in the video.
  • Narrative Flow: An outline of the sequence of events or instructions in the video.
  • Notes: Additional details include camera angles, script snippets, and graphic elements.
  • Storyboard Templates: Pre-designed templates that structure the storyboard and make it easier to create.
  • Video Storyboard Examples: Samples or references that provide inspiration and guidance for the visual representation of content.

When is a Storyboard Useful for a Business?

A video storyboard is an invaluable tool for businesses in various situations, enhancing the planning and execution of various video-related projects. It serves as a roadmap for the video creation process, and although these projects might not be as elaborate as full-scale film productions, storyboarding provides several advantages:

1. Educational Content for Schools

Detailed class lessons for schools often require instructional videos. Storyboards help educators plan the flow of content, ensuring it aligns with the curriculum, maintains students’ engagement, and ensures that the video effectively conveys the educational message.

For instance, a school planning to create an online physics lesson can use a storyboard to visualize the experiments, animated videos, and explanations step by step, ensuring maximum comprehension.

2. Recorded Presentations

When businesses need to create recorded presentations for conferences, webinars, or training sessions, especially those with complex topics, storyboards assist presenters in outlining the flow of information, visual aids, and the presenter’s script. They help ensure a smooth information delivery and maintain the audience’s interest.

A business preparing a recorded sales pitch can create a storyboard to ensure a logical flow, compelling visuals, and persuasive messaging.

3. Tutorials with Screen Transitions

Storyboarding greatly benefits tutorials involving transitions between screens, software applications, or devices. The detailed storyboards allow careful screen capture planning, explanations, and the overall user experience, ensuring clarity and coherence. A software company creating a tutorial for a new app can build storyboards to map out each screen interaction, ensuring users can follow along effortlessly.

4. Customer Onboarding Tutorials

To onboard new customers effectively, businesses often create tutorials. Storyboards help map out the onboarding process, ensuring customers receive a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to the product or service. A SaaS company can create storyboards to design a tutorial that guides new customers through setup, ensuring they get the most out of the software.

5. Marketing Videos

Marketing videos often have specific messages and branding elements that need precise planning. Storyboards provide a visual roadmap for marketers to align the video with their marketing strategies and target audience to create persuasive and engaging videos. A startup can use a video storyboard template to plan a product launch video, ensuring it highlights key features and resonates with the target audience.

6. Explainer Videos

Businesses use explainer videos to simplify complex concepts or services. Storyboards break down these concepts into digestible visuals and messages, making the explanation clear and compelling. Video storyboards help scriptwriters, animators, and voiceover artists work together efficiently when creating an explainer video.

A fintech startup can use a free storyboard template to break down the intricacies of blockchain technology, making it understandable to a broader audience.

7. Product Demonstrations

When showcasing a product’s features, a storyboard helps highlight each feature effectively. It guides the planning process by specifying camera angles, product highlights, and the script for the demonstration.

An electronics manufacturer can create video storyboard templates to visualize a product or software demonstration, showcasing its functionality and benefits.

8. Employee Training Videos

Creating training materials for employees often involves creating videos. Storyboards help HR teams, and trainers organize content to teach new skills or processes effectively by planning the content, script, visuals, and role-playing scenarios. A video storyboard example could be a large corporation using storyboards to plan a series of safety training videos for employees, covering various scenarios.

9. Corporate Presentations

Businesses often use videos in corporate presentations, whether for internal meetings or external events. Storyboards assist in planning visuals, transitions, and key messages to enhance the presentation’s impact.

10. Webinars and Workshops

Webinars and workshops can benefit from storyboards, especially when they include interactive elements, polls, or Q&A sessions. A well-structured storyboard ensures the smooth delivery of content.

11. Advertisement Campaigns

In advertising, every second counts. Storyboards help agencies plan advertisements down to the second, ensuring that the message, visuals, and call to action are communicated effectively within the allotted time.

12. Product Launch Videos

When launching a new product, businesses often create promotional videos. A video storyboard helps to build anticipation and excitement. It outlines the sequence of different shots, product shots, and key messages to make the product launch impactful. A good storyboard will enable product managers and marketing teams to visualize how the product will be showcased and its features highlighted.

13. Instructional Manuals

Whether in video or multimedia formats, instructional manuals and user guides can benefit from storyboarding to ensure that all steps are clearly demonstrated and explained.

14. Customer Testimonials

Capturing authentic customer testimonials requires planning. Storyboards guide videographers and interviewees in setting up shots and discussing key points.

15. Company Announcements

Storyboards help create polished corporate communication videos, such as executive messages, announcements, or company updates. They ensure that the message is delivered effectively and professionally.

In each of these situations, creating storyboards offers several benefits:

  • Clarity: It ensures that the message is clear and concise, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.
  • Efficiency: Storyboarding helps streamline the video creation process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Collaboration: Teams can collaborate effectively when they have a visual representation of the video’s content and style.
  • Resource Management: Storyboarding identifies the resources required for video production, preventing unnecessary expenses.
  • Quality Control: By planning with storyboards, businesses can reduce the need for extensive revisions during post-production, saving time and effort.

How to Make a Video Storyboard Quickly

Create a storyboard

Following these steps will help you quickly and effectively create a video storyboard that serves as a visual guide for the entire video production process, from pre-production to filming and post-production.

1. Write Your Ideas Down

  • Start by brainstorming a storyboard for a video concept and its purpose. Consider what type of video you’re creating, whether a marketing video, tutorial, or presentation.
  • Jot down key points about your message. What are the main ideas or talking points you want to convey in the video?
  • Define your target audience. Who is the video intended for? Understanding your audience is crucial for tailoring your message effectively.

2. Create a Rough Draft

If you prefer a more unscripted approach, outline your video’s script or talking points. This doesn’t need to be a polished video script but should give you a clear direction for the video.

Determine the locations where you’ll be shooting, the characters or presenters involved, any props required, and the equipment needed for the video production process.

3. Create Your Sketches

  • Utilize a free video storyboard template or create a simple grid on paper or in a digital document.
  • Divide your storyboard into sections or slides, each representing a scene in your video.
  • In each section, sketch or describe the settings, characters, and essential props. Consider including basic camera angle notations to guide your filming.
  • Note any transitions between scenes. This step helps create a visual representation of your video’s flow.

4. Keep a List

  • Maintain a checklist of all the elements required for your video. This includes cameras, microphones, lighting, props, costumes, and shooting locations.
  • Continuously update this list as you work on your storyboard to ensure nothing important is overlooked during production.

5. Assess and Gather Feedback

  • Once you’ve completed your initial storyboard, review it for completeness and accuracy. Ensure it effectively conveys your message and aligns with your video’s goals.
  • Seek feedback from team members or collaborators involved in the project. Their input can help identify improvements or additions to enhance your video storyboard.
  • Make any necessary revisions based on the constructive feedback received.

Is your Video Storyboard Ready?

Now that you have your finished storyboard, it’s time to bring it to life with Zight, a powerful video creation tool. Zight allows you to transform your storyboard into a compelling video seamlessly.

Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Screen Record with Webcam and Audio

Zight makes it easy to record your video while incorporating your webcam and audio for a professional touch. This step adds a personal touch to your video, allowing you to engage with your audience directly.

Step 2: Guided by Your Storyboard

As you progress through your video creation, use your storyboard as a guide. It ensures you stay true to your original vision and do not miss any crucial elements or scenes.

Step 3: Editing and Enhancements

Once you’ve recorded your video using Zight, use its video editing features. You can trim, cut, and enhance your video to perfection. Add captions, annotations, GIFs, graphics, or transitions to make your video more engaging.

Step 4: Export and Share

Once your video is polished, export it in your desired format. Zight makes sharing easy, whether posting it on your website, sharing it on social media, or using it for presentations.

By combining your well-crafted storyboard with the power of Zight, you can transform your creative vision into a stunning video that captivates your audience and effectively conveys your message.

Conclusion on What is a Video Storyboard

In wrapping up, you’re primed to dive into the captivating world of video storyboards. And guess what? Zight is your secret weapon, waiting to supercharge your video projects!

With Zight, your storyboard goes from a sketch to a spectacular final video. It’s the missing puzzle piece that transforms your ideas into engaging visuals. Ready to embark on this creative journey? Don’t wait! Sign up for Zight now and let your video storytelling skills shine. Your audience will thank you for the awesome content coming their way!

Create & share screenshots, screen recordings, and GIFs with Zight