Master the art of recordings in your sleep with these Windows App updates!
The 5 Emails Your List Actually Wants to Read
How to send engaging, authentic and informative emails to your subscribers.
G2 ranks CloudApp a “Best Software Company 2018”
G2’s Top 50 SMBs List ranks CloudApp at 34th!
5 Ways You Might Be Doing Market Research all Wrong
Here is how to easily fix it and start 2018 with a big win.
A Template to Present Your Customer Service Updates to Your Executive Team
Present your Customer Service strategy for 2018.
Jealous? 7 Ways Jealousy Can Make You a Better Person
A few ways to use jealousy as a catalyst for life-altering changes.
Recovering a Failed Upload On Zight
Restore what’s yours! Zight’s new feature lets you salvage lost content!
Kick Up Your Sales Strategy with GIFs
Favorite ways to raise the bar with any prospect and close more deals.
The New Customer Service: A Strategy Template
How to present your Customer Service Strategy to your executive team.
How to Get The Best from Your Remote Product Development Team
Take advantage of the productivity benefits of agile development teams.
Burnout: How to Keep Your Support Team from Cracking
Here are some top tips and tricks for keeping your team from fizzling out.
NEW: Zight integration for Hipchat
Share what you are seeing with your team in Hipchat by using CloudApp.