Your Big Juicy Customer Support Initiative
Customer support doesn’t often get to launch big initiatives that make the executive team sit-up and take notice. Things are usually pretty operational as you try to figure out how to solve more tickets, move quickly, and with higher satisfaction scores. So, when your time comes to jump out front and lead the company, you want to be ready. Ready to present your initiative and plan in a manner the executive team can understand (and believe in).
To help you get right to it, we created a high-impact 6-slide Customer Support Initiative presentation template you can use to knock the socks off the executive team as you deliver your big, juicy customer support initiative. This particular example initiative is focused on making the company as a whole more customer support driven. To have each relevant department spend time doing actual customer service so they can begin to truly understand the customer and better market, sell and build products your customers will love.
You’ll notice we’ve worked in some aspects of our quirky culture into the presentation. It always helps to let your group’s “brand” shine through. It makes the presentation more engaging and genuine. A few examples from the deck are below.
Your team is locked and loaded
Your CEO wants all the information in one slide. Well, not all the information. Just enough so she can grasp the full picture of what your big initiative is all about. There’s no building up to a conclusion here. No story arc. Just let them know what you think you can accomplish, what the required investment will be, and how you will get it done. There’s your first slide.
Below is a shot from the template showing just how brief and to-the-point you can be.
Your Audacious Goal
Dive into detail on your team’s big goal. This means unpacking your high-level goal a bit. Put it into context of related successful initiatives your team has undertaken – this will help add credibility to your claims.
Your Big Idea
The trick to describing your idea is to strike the balance between detail and brevity. Assume there will be two parts to this. Here, in the executive meeting, you’ll give them the high notes. If there is general agreement on the initiative you can then proceed to a separate session (i.e., so your CEO doesn’t have to suffer through the details).
Here it is ok to provide some context for your thinking. A bit of a story arc if you will. Just make sure you’re not pulling your audience through a bunch of slides. Use your slides as “wall paper” and speak to the brief points. Your audience will thank you!
There are 6 slides in this template. That’s just about the right length for your first pitch on your big customer service initiative. We hope you find it helpful!