10 Video Sales Letter Examples & How to Make Them

In our video-saturated world, we spend hours each day watching content, and sales teams have long leveraged video to boost their efforts with great results. However, if you want to connect with your customers more personally, a video sales letter (VSL) is an excellent way to make an impact. Fortunately, we’ve compiled some standout VSL examples to guide you through creating your own.

Ian Mutuli | August 15, 2024 | 12 min read time

Article Last Updated: August 15, 2024

10 Video Sales Letter Examples & How to Make Them

If you sell stuff online, you’ve probably heard of the video sales letter. Among the various video marketing methods, it stands out for its direct approach to converting viewers into customers. Crafting and sharing a video sales letter can offer a fresh and effective method for improving sales. By learning how to create and use these videos, you can make a real difference in your company’s marketing efforts and engage with your audience.

However, you may not completely understand what it is, why you should use one, or how to create one. Luckily, we have done all the hard work for you. Also, we have mentioned the best video sales software that you can use to create a high-quality video sales letter. Why is it the best? In simple terms, it is a versatile software that has a screen recording app and also webcam recording features to capture impressive video content. Let’s get started.

What is a Video Sales Letter?

A video sales letter (VSL) is in simple terms, a sales pitch presented through video. It’s taking your sales message and putting it into video form. Unlike regular ads that aim to promote a brand or raise product awareness, a video sales letter has a single focus: driving the sale. They generally follow a familiar format like with a traditional sales letter: starting with capturing the audience’s attention, highlighting their pain points, showing how your product can solve their problems, delivering an effective call to action, and wrapping up with a risk-free offer.

VSL is a direct-response marketing tool designed to prompt viewers to take immediate action after watching. While both the written sales letter and video sales letters share the same foundational elements, the VSL has the advantage of being highly adaptable to two key trends: the rise of video content and the widespread use of the internet.

Video sales letters usually last between 2 to 5 minutes and often include a professional voiceover, engaging images, and sometimes animation. Although a VSL gives you more freedom than a traditional ad, it’s easy to end up with something closer to a full-length presentation that loses your target audience. The trick is to strike the right balance. Keep it short enough to hold attention, but ensure it’s long enough to deliver a convincing pitch.

Video Sales Letter Script

video sales letter examples

A video sales letter script is like a roadmap for your final product. It guides you in choosing the right words and visuals to effectively reach your sales or lead generation goals. A script doesn’t just help you create video sales letters that ensure your video is also persuasive and impactful.

In simple terms, a VSL script is a written document that includes:

  • Voice-over or talking head monologue
  • Scene descriptions
  • On-screen text or graphic details

While it might not seem overly complex, the script’s framework is key to selling. Among the various copywriting frameworks out there, the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) format from one of the top sales professionals Dan Kennedy remains one of the most effective:

  • Problem – Highlight the issue your audience faces.
  • Agitate – Intensify the problem with relatable details.
  • Solve – Offer a solution to ease their pain.

This format has been used countless times because it works. You can adjust it to fit your needs, but if you start with PAS, your video’s core content will resonate with your audience and deliver your message effectively.

However, the core content alone isn’t enough. To make your video sales letter script truly successful, don’t forget to include:

  • A compelling hook in the first three seconds
  • A strong call to action (CTA) at the end—or even in the middle of the video is long

The hook is crucial—it grabs attention and ensures your viewer sticks around to hear your message. Equally important is the CTA, which should be clear and strong. Consider adding a sense of urgency, like limited availability, to encourage immediate action.

By covering all these elements, you’ll have a solid video sales letter script ready which can help you come up with a video sales letter template to record your video sales video letters.

How to Make a Video Sales Letter Using Zight

making a video sales letter using Zight

With your video sales letter script in hand, it’s time to bring it to life for your sales team. A top choice for creating professional video sales letters is Zight, an all-in-one platform that makes screen and webcam recording a breeze. Zight is also perfect for beginners, allowing you to produce high-quality, conversion-driven videos without needing expert skills.

Beyond just recording, Zight offers video editing tools to help you craft a polished final product. Plus, its captions and subtitles features ensure your potential customers can easily follow along, eliminating the need for them to switch between your sales videos and written descriptions of your product or service.

Here’s how you can use Zight to craft an effective video sales letter.

1. Screen Record Using Zight

Start by using Zight’s screen recording to show off your product or service. Whether you want to record your entire screen or just a specific part, Zight lets you do it effortlessly.

As you record, you can use Zight’s annotation tools to highlight important details, making your video more informative. Once you’ve finished recording, polish it up with Zight’s editing tools to ensure everything flows smoothly and keeps viewers hooked.

2. Webcam Recording

To add a personal touch to your video sales letter, use Zight’s webcam recording feature. Record yourself delivering your message directly to the camera. This personal approach helps build a connection with your audience.

If interested in creating video sales letters that are more engaging, blend your webcam footage with screen recordings—start with a personal introduction on camera, switch to a screen demonstration to show your product in action, and finish with a final call to action. Edit your webcam footage to cut out any fluff and keep it engaging for potential customers.

Now, let’s dive into some examples of effective video sales letters in action.

10 Best Examples of Video Sales Letters

Though most video sales letters stick to a basic structure, you’ll find some video sales letters mix things up by adding or skipping certain sections. These videos can take various forms—animated, live-action, or even a “whiteboard” style. Some sales professionals opt for a straightforward approach, creating a video slideshow with a voiceover.

I find it helps to see real-life examples so you can visualize what your ideal sales letters could look like. Some standout examples effectively combine storytelling, clear messaging, and persuasive calls to action. Want to see real-life examples of such a high-converting video sales letter in action? Here are some of the best and for good reason:

1. Revolutionize Your Communication with Zight: Faster, Clearer, Better!

YouTube video

Among the best video sales letters that stand out is this Zight one. It is a great example of how to effectively capture attention and drive engagement and hence convert into sales. Its concise and visually engaging format makes it great for encouraging viewers to act. Here’s why it stands out:

  • It starts with a relatable pain point: the frustration of managing endless emails and Slack messages. This immediately resonates with the audience, drawing them in by acknowledging a common problem.
  • By stating that communicating complex ideas through text can be challenging, the video sales letter clearly defines the issue. This sets the stage for introducing Zight as a solution.
  • The video highlights that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text. This statistic underscores the effectiveness of visual communication and sets up the need for a tool like Zight.
  • Zight is presented as the solution to the problem. The video explains how easy it is to use Zight to capture, create, and share videos with a single link. This simple, clear explanation shows how Zight can improve communication efficiency. The VSL also provides examples of how different professionals such as engineers, customer support agents, and salespeople can benefit from Zight. This broadens its appeal and demonstrates its versatility.
  • The VSL concludes with a compelling call to action, encouraging viewers to upgrade their communication with Zight. The mention of AI features adds a hint of excitement and innovation.

2. Wix

YouTube video

If you’re in the process of building your online business, you’ll want to check out this video sales letter called “Think It. Create It.” It walks you through Wix.com, showing you just how easy and customizable creating your online presence can be. It’s a great way to see firsthand how Wix can help bring your vision to life.

This is one of the video sales letter examples that go beyond just highlighting features. They have designed it to inspire you to turn your business ideas into reality with Wix.com. So, envision your goals, build them, and see your business thrive online with Wix.

3. Slack: “So Yeah, We Tried Slack…”

YouTube video

This Slack video sales letter takes a fresh and engaging approach to show how its platform boosts team collaboration and productivity. It features a series of brief, compelling video testimonials from employees at different companies, sharing how Slack has transformed their workflows.

By highlighting real users and their positive experiences, Slack builds genuine trust and credibility with potential customers. The video’s engaging, humorous, and relatable style makes it a standout example as one of the effective video sales letters.

4. Why Upgrade to Canva Pro?

YouTube video

If you’re thinking about making the jump to Canva Pro, their video sales letter is worth a look. It paints a clear picture of how Canva Pro simplifies design with its premium templates and advanced tools like background removal and object erasing. It brings to life how managing your brand’s look is a breeze with Canva’s Brand Hub, where you can easily integrate your logos, colors, and fonts.

In short, the video sales letter doesn’t just explain the new features; it shows you how Canva Pro makes your design work faster, smoother, and more impactful. Watching it, you’ll get a sense of how Canva Pro can truly elevate your creative journey and streamline your design tasks hence wanting it as one of your tools.

5. Frank Kern

YouTube video

When talking about video sales letters, it’s impossible not to mention one from Frank Kern, a top industry expert. This particular video sales letter is a bit different—it’s not as polished and doesn’t have that typical sales pitch format. Kern takes a unique approach, shifting from the usual video sales letter script, but he still sticks to the fundamental principles we’ve covered.

He begins with a provocative question: “How crucial is copywriting in today’s online world?”

Then he surprises everyone with his answer: “Not very.”

This unexpected reply from Kern—who’s known for teaching copywriting—immediately grabs attention and makes every marketer curious.

Kern then dives into his main points about the overwhelming amount of content on social media and online ads. He finishes with a call to action, inviting viewers to hire his company to handle their ad campaigns. It’s this blend of straightforwardness and personal touch that makes the video so effective.

6. Keep More Money Book

YouTube video

This video sales letter for a new book effectively addresses the audience’s pain points right from the start. It then clearly outlines the benefits of reading the book, all through engaging animations.

This example demonstrates how a video sales letter can quickly and succinctly convey its message, proving that sometimes, simplicity and animation are all you need to make an impact.

7. Meet Airtable

YouTube video

The “Meet Airtable” video sales letter introduces you to a tool for organizing and collaborating. This isn’t your typical software demo video. It’s a visually captivating exploration of what Airtable can do. It qualifies as a good video sales letter because it showcases how Airtable blends the simplicity of spreadsheets with the power of a database, making it ideal for everything from managing music labels to coordinating rocket launch schedules.

You’ll see Airtable’s support for rich field types, file attachments, and flexible viewing options like calendars and galleries. However, Airtable isn’t just for solo projects; it excels in team settings with features like tagging and real-time messaging. It syncs smoothly across all devices, so everyone stays in the loop. This video sales letter doesn’t just explain Airtable’s features but show how Airtable can transform your projects and ideas into something dynamic and organized.

8. Squatty Potty

YouTube video

Although this is one of the old video sales letters, it’s a perfect example of a way to sell a difficult product. Why? For starters, it deals with a problem people don’t even realize they have and also with a subject most people would rather not talk about. So, how did they manage to hack the sales process effectively with the 41M views it has garnered over the years and people are still watching it? Let’s get into it.

First, the sales video starts with a unicorn puppet “relieving” itself in the form of rainbow sherbert ice cream, an attention-grabbing hook. Now that we’re hooked, the story keeps us engaged with a knight who’s as silly as he is entertaining. Within the first 15 seconds, they hit us with the problem—incontinence.

Next, they agitate the problem by listing a series of medical conditions that can come from this problem, all illustrated with a long scroll unraveling in front of us.

At the 60-second mark, they present the solution with easy-to-follow graphics that break down the science behind it. And of course, the call to action comes next—here’s where you can buy the product. Still not convinced? They roll out the proof, backed by endorsements from major scientific institutions and big-name brands.

Although the Squatty Potty sales video is catchy and funny, that’s not the only reason it worked. It was successful because it wrapped a creative, memorable concept around a solid, proven sales framework.

9. Animated Doodle Video Maker Software for PC & Mac

YouTube video

This video sales letter for the Animated Doodle Video Maker Software is a standout example of effective VSLs. It starts by addressing a key concern—how the software boosts conversions and engagement. The creator shares their journey, which builds trust, and then dives into a hands-on demo, showing how simple yet powerful the tool is.

By highlighting features like customizable video styles and easy-to-use video editing tools, the video clearly demonstrates the software’s value. It also tackles potential objections by showcasing how Dooley differentiates itself from competitors. The final call to action is direct and compelling, urging viewers to click and get started, reinforcing the software’s benefits in boosting conversions and sales.

10. Instant Background Eraser to Remove Photo Backgrounds – GlorifyApp

YouTube video

This video sales letter for Glorify effectively grabs attention by addressing the common issue of unattractive e-commerce product listings. It then introduces Glorify as a solution, showcasing its ease of use and features like background removal, customizable templates, and a smart resize tool.

By demonstrating how these features can enhance product images and boost sales, the VSL clearly presents Glorify’s value. The call to action, offering early adopter benefits, creates a sense of urgency. Overall, the VSL is a strong example of engaging and persuasive marketing that connects with viewers’ needs and provides a clear solution.


By analyzing the above successful video sales letter examples, you can gain valuable insights into creating compelling video sales letters. Applying these lessons to create an effective video sales letter can help you capture attention, address the target audience’s pain points, present solutions, and drive immediate action. In addition, using the best video sales letter software will ensure your video is good enough to be a video sales letter example to other users.

However, it’s important to note that there’s no single formula that works for everyone. Although we’ve shared some examples, the real secret lies in customizing your video content and offering to resonate with your unique target audience.

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