Inside the Workflow: A Conversation with Seraphin Hochart, Head of Product at Zight

In this episode of “Inside the Workflow,” Joe Martin, Head of Marketing at Zight, sits down with Seraphin Hochart, Zight’s Head of Product. Seraphin shares his journey from developer to product leader, offering insights into how Zight leverages customer feedback, data, and market trends to guide product development. From building public roadmaps to navigating the…

Joseph Martin | September 13, 2024 | 5 min read time

Article Last Updated: September 13, 2024

Inside the Workflow: A Conversation with Seraphin Hochart, Head of Product at Zight

In this episode of “Inside the Workflow,” Joe Martin, Head of Marketing at Zight, sits down with Seraphin Hochart, Zight’s Head of Product. Seraphin shares his journey from developer to product leader, offering insights into how Zight leverages customer feedback, data, and market trends to guide product development. From building public roadmaps to navigating the latest tech trends like AI, Seraphin provides a comprehensive look at what it takes to manage a product team effectively. Here’s a breakdown of the key takeaways from their conversation.

From Developer to Product Leader: Seraphin’s Journey

Seraphin, known as Finn, started his career as a developer before moving into product management, eventually becoming the Head of Product at Zight. Reflecting on his journey, Seraphin shared, “I started building apps when the iPhone came out, and that’s what got me into product management. I loved creating smooth workflows and building great user experiences.” His deep technical background and passion for building user-centric products have shaped his approach to product leadership at Zight.

Leveraging Customer Feedback: A Simple but Effective Approach

One of the core themes Seraphin emphasized was the importance of integrating customer feedback into the product development process. “We have a simple process at Zight—constant communication with customers,” Seraphin explained. Zight maintains a shared feedback channel with sales and customer success teams where insights are posted after every significant customer interaction. This real-time feedback loop allows the product team to passively absorb user insights and quickly connect them to ongoing roadmap items.

To manage and analyze the feedback, Zight uses AI tools like ChatGPT and Storytell to parse through comments and provide summaries. “AI comes in at the analysis stage,” Seraphin noted. This helps the team identify recurring themes and quantify the demand for specific features, making customer input a driving force behind product decisions.

Building in Public: Engaging Users Through a Transparent Roadmap

Zight also embraces the “build in public” trend by maintaining a public Trello board where users can upvote, comment, and engage with the product roadmap. “It’s a great way to show we’re out there, listening to how our users use the product,” Seraphin said. This transparency not only helps the team prioritize features based on real user interest but also fosters a sense of community, where customers feel involved in the product’s evolution.

Balancing Diverse Use Cases: Understanding a Wide User Base

With over five million customers across various industries—from individual users to large enterprises—Zight faces the challenge of catering to a wide array of needs. “Everyone has their own way of working and wants the product to work exactly as they do,” Seraphin explained. This diversity requires a careful balance in product development, as going too broad can dilute the tool’s focus, while going too narrow can limit its appeal.

To prioritize effectively, Seraphin uses a simple rule of thumb: “If a feature will help at least 80% of the customers we want to serve, it goes on the roadmap.” This approach helps Zight maintain focus while still accommodating the most impactful user requests.

Blending Qualitative Feedback with Data-Driven Insights

Seraphin highlighted the importance of combining qualitative feedback from customer interactions with quantitative data from tools like Amplitude. “We use data to validate our direction but not dictate every decision,” Seraphin noted. He explained that data serves as a guide to ensure alignment with the company’s vision, but ultimately, the product team relies on a mix of hard data and direct user feedback to make the best decisions.

Seraphin stressed that data should be a tool to confirm the product’s direction, not the sole driver. “We tie data back to our vision. If it doesn’t align, we reassess,” he explained, underscoring the need for a balanced approach that keeps the product on track with its broader goals.

Managing Cross-Department Collaboration: Building Trust and Simplifying Processes

Navigating inputs from various departments—such as sales, customer success, and marketing—is a key aspect of Seraphin’s role. He emphasizes the importance of building trust with cross-functional teams by being transparent about the decision-making process. “I don’t just hide behind a JIRA board,” Seraphin said. He makes it a point to join calls with sales and customer success teams when needed, providing firsthand insights into the product strategy.

Seraphin advocates for simple processes that foster open communication and reduce friction. “Simple processes beat complex ones every time,” he stated. This approach ensures that teams remain aligned and focused on common goals, rather than getting bogged down in cumbersome workflows.

Creating a Forward-Looking Roadmap: Balancing Innovation and Stability

In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, staying ahead of market trends while maintaining stability is a constant challenge. Seraphin discussed how Zight navigates this balance, especially when considering new technologies like AI. “We adopt trends when they mature,” Seraphin explained. This cautious approach helps Zight ensure that new features meet high standards for security and compliance, which are crucial for their enterprise customers.

Rather than being the first to market with every new trend, Zight focuses on integrating innovative features thoughtfully. For instance, Zight took its time developing its AI add-on to ensure it met compliance requirements like SOC 2 and HIPAA, which are critical for enterprise adoption. “We want a stable product with reliable workflows, not just the latest and greatest tool that changes every month,” Seraphin emphasized.

While Zight is careful not to chase every trend, it still maintains a strong R&D focus to explore new technologies. Seraphin highlighted the importance of having a sandbox environment where the team can test proof-of-concept features. “We keep an eye on new trends, but we are cautious about integrating them into our core product,” Seraphin explained. This measured approach allows Zight to stay innovative without compromising the reliability and trust of its existing user base.

Final Thoughts: Product Leadership Rooted in Collaboration and Customer Insight

Seraphin’s insights underscore the importance of integrating customer feedback, maintaining cross-departmental trust, and balancing innovation with stability in product management. By focusing on transparent communication, data-informed decisions, and a cautious approach to market trends, Seraphin and his team at Zight continue to build a product that serves diverse needs while staying ahead of industry developments.

For more insights from Seraphin Hochart and other product leaders, stay tuned to “Inside the Workflow.” To learn more about Zight’s product development approach and see how it can enhance your workflows, visit Connect with Seraphin on LinkedIn for further discussions on product management, customer feedback integration, and navigating tech trends.

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