12 Best Sales Motivational Videos to Inspire Your Teams Today

Do you need sales motivational videos for your team? Maintaining high energy and inspiration can sometimes feel daunting – especially when the team is surviving on coffee and not sales. You must inspire self-confidence and get them on the right foot again. Let’s share our best motivation videos you can play today!

Lorna Wambugu | August 21, 2024 | 10 min read time

Article Last Updated: August 21, 2024

12 Best Sales Motivational Videos to Inspire Your Teams Today

Every sales team faces days where the targets seem too high and the rejections too frequent. It’s during these times that a burst of inspiration could make all the difference.

So, what do you do as a sales manager? We’d say record a motivational video to inspire them. You’d only need a screen recorder or webcam recorder like Zight – then create a video script and hit the record button.

Another option is to scour the internet for motivational videos, and oh, aren’t you spoiled for choice? We did the legwork for you and compiled this list of 12 motivational videos you can watch with your team to inspire a growth mindset – push past barriers like fatigue and rejection to win more sales.

We promise they are fun to watch – look out for your favorite actors and other successful people. You might want to wear headphones if you’re watching some of these videos in a public space – but that’s not to take away from their punch.

Before we dive in, here’s our best tip for accelerating sales and keeping your team’s energy high.

Accelerate the Sales Cycle & Close More Sales Using Zight

You’re simply missing out if you’re not using video as a sales marketing strategy. Video will help you explain these 12 types of sales analytics, especially the complex stuff like facts, figures, and formulas that can easily overwhelm your prospects.

However, to create your videos, it’s best to have dedicated software that will help you explain data and products and then win over your targets. No video recording software could one-up Zight. It’s also the best video editing software, and you get a host of other visual communication features, like capturing screenshots and recording GIFs, that will help you communicate easily with prospects. With Zight for sales, you will:

  • Increase prospecting response rates by personalizing your outreach
  • Save time by recording videos – instead of inviting your prospects to a meeting
  • Sell more with product demos – you can record your products in action to demonstrate how everything works – and win more customers from the increased understanding
  • Increase team collaboration – you can record sales videos and work on them together as a team

Ready to get started? Just download Zight here, and start using the video recording and editing features to reach more reach and convert more clients!

Best Sales Motivational Videos for Your Teams

It has been said that sales is similar to the ultimate contact sport – and just like in sports, you have to keep motivating your teams to help them win.

Need ideas? Here are 12 motivational videos we found useful:

1. Ben Affleck in “Boiler Room”

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In “Boiler Room,” Ben Affleck’s character delivers a powerhouse speech that really captures the essence of the high-stakes, high-pressure world of stock trading.

He stands before a group of eager, young brokers, laying down the harsh realities of their job with a charisma that’s both intimidating and compelling. But his message is clear: succeed at all costs!

This scene is iconic for its raw depiction of the drive and ruthlessness required in sales. You need to sell yourself and your vision and do whatever it takes to reach the top.

Affleck will remind you of the thin line between ambition and ethical boundaries when you need a lesson in determination and the darker sides of success. For sales teams, it’s a stark portrayal of the “eat or be eaten” mentality that can sometimes define our world.

2. “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch

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Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture” is a heartfelt and profound talk that he delivered after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Pausch doesn’t dwell on the sorrow of his condition; instead, he celebrates his life and shares the vital lessons he’s learned. He discusses achieving childhood dreams and the importance of overcoming obstacles, enabling others’ dreams, and seizing every moment.

This is a good sales motivational video – a call to action for your sales team to look beyond immediate setbacks and focus on what truly matters – winning those tough prospects!

3. “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek

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Simon Sinek’s talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action,” widely known for introducing the concept of the Golden Circle, is a cornerstone for understanding leadership and motivation in business.

In this TED Talk, Sinek explains why leaders and organizations that communicate ‘why’ they do what they do, rather than just explaining ‘what’ they do or ‘how’ they do it, are more successful and inspiring. The Golden Circle framework starts with “Why” at the core, surrounded by “How” and then “What.”

According to Sinek, this approach helps attract loyal customers and inspires employees and other stakeholders to rally behind a cause or a vision. It’s a powerful strategy for sales teams – it will encourage them to sell a belief and a vision rather than just a product.

4. Shia LaBeouf: “Just Do It”

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Shia LaBeouf’s “Just Do It” video is a raw burst of energy that pushes you to stop procrastinating and leap into action.

Famous for Shia’s intense delivery, this motivational clip cuts straight to the chase: whatever you’re dreaming of or dreading, stop overthinking and just do it. Whether you’re gearing up for a tough sales call or hesitating on a project, think of Shia’s impassioned plea – don’t let doubts drown out your drive. Ready to transform your hesitation into action?

5. Dream” by Mateusz M

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We all have dreams, but how much effort could we possibly put into our work to realize them?

Are you a sales rep or any type of sales professional, but sales are not going your way?

This “Dream” video by Mateusz M uses the voice of Les Brown plus inspiring cinematic footage to motivate you to keep pushing. You must simply overcome your fears – whether of failure or success – to succeed with your personal goals. It’s about pushing past the ‘good enough’ to reach what you’ve always imagined could be possible.

For sales teams, this video is a perfect morning huddle watch. It reminds you that each client interaction and every deal closed is a step towards something bigger. The message? Don’t just sell – inspire, motivate, and transform your daily targets into stepping stones for your dreams.

Got a big presentation, or are you feeling the mid-week slump? Just queue up “Dream” and remind yourself why you started.

6. “Wolf of Wall Street”: To get you fired up

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Leonardo DiCaprio, as Belfort, stands before his sales team – firing them up with an electric speech. Here, he’s a motivational speaker – not just selling stocks, but also dreams, confidence, and above all, a ferocious hunger for success.

In this speech, Belfort tells the team, “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bleep story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

It is one of the most motivational videos, especially for sales trainers looking to shatter doubts, obliterate fears, and push trainees’ limits. With this mindset, you can train your team to leave no room for hesitation and drive home the idea that they’re not just working sales; they are the kings and queens of the trading floor!

7. Make Positivity Louder by Gary Vaynerchuk

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Tell you what – the odds of being human are 400 trillion to one! Yes, 400, 000, 000,000, 000:1!

And being human means we have good days and bad days – positive moments and negative ones. Sometimes we are excited, the next, we’re pulling out hairs with stress and anxiety.

Are your sales reps going through a rough patch? Well, here’s a motivational video from Gary Vaynerchuk for any sales manager.

In “Make Positivity Louder,” Gary V urges people to amplify the positive aspects of their lives and businesses while diminishing the focus on negativity. He believes that positivity is often quieter than negativity in our society, and by making positivity louder, individuals and communities can change the overall tone of their environments.

For sales success, you can focus on the positive outcomes of your interactions and the positive aspects of the products or services you are selling. It’s about shifting the narrative from problem-centric to solution-centric for a more optimistic and constructive approach to customer interactions and team dynamics!

8. Steve Jobs: Connecting The Dots

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He dropped out of college, did a whole spiritual journey in India, and then, just for kicks, revolutionized multiple industries. That’s Steve for you, folks!

In his iconic “Connecting The Dots” speech delivered at the Stanford Commencement, Steve laid out a roadmap that wasn’t clear as he was walking it but made perfect sense looking back. He believed life is about trusting that the dots will somehow connect in your future, which allows you to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path.

Here’s the deal for you sales managers and teams out there -Jobs’ journey mirrors the uncertainty and the exhilarating highs and lows of sales. Just as Steve embraced the unknown and unexpected turns in his life, he encouraged us to see challenges in sales not just as setbacks but as essential steps toward greater achievements.

The real juice of sales (and life!) lies in making peace with chaos, knowing that each no, each rejection, is just another dot along the way, building up to your big yes.

9. “No Excuses” by Ben Lionell Scott

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Ben Lionel Scott’s “NO EXCUSES” is a wake-up call that hits hard and fast, urging you to ditch the excuses and step up your game. Each clip, each spoken word, is a nudge – or, let’s be real, a shove – towards taking action and pushing past whatever mental barriers and self-doubt you’ve got.

Scott mixes fiery visuals with gripping audio from various motivational speakers who emphasize the importance of perseverance and hard work, dismissing any excuses that stand in the way of achieving one’s personal goals. The motivational content herein is a powerful reminder that excuses only lead to stagnation, not success.

So, do you have a list of calls you’re not looking forward to, and does the weekend feel like it’s still clinging on? Pop on this video. “No excuses, just results,” right? This is for those moments when you need to hear that giving up on more sales isn’t an option.

10. Put God First – Denzel Washington’s Commencement Speech

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He is one of the most successful people in film – and we all admire him, don’t we?

But Denzel Washington’s “Put God First” speech, delivered during commencement at Dillard University, gives us valuable lessons on the importance of faith and priorities in one’s life. Washington shares his personal experiences and the lessons he’s learned – he underscores the significance of grounding your life in spiritual and moral principles, even in high-pressure environments – like sales.

Success isn’t just about hitting targets or closing deals – it’s also about how you balance your professional drive with your ethical and spiritual values. For sales professionals, this could mean maintaining integrity, fostering genuine relationships, and approaching each interaction with respect and honesty. It’s a call to remember that who you are matters just as much as what you achieve.

11. Get Up and Grind Mentality

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The “Get Up and Grind Mentality” encourages the importance of relentless work ethic and determination. It’s a lifestyle choice that defines the most successful sales professionals.

This can be you – your alarm goes off before dawn, it’s still dark outside, and while the world sleeps, you’re already planning your day, setting sales goals, and gearing up to tackle them head-on.

This mentality is about embracing each new day as an opportunity to edge closer to your targets, one proactive step at a time. Whether it’s refining your pitch, following up on leads, or studying market trends, the grind is about constant motion.

And yes, it’s tough.

There will be days when the coffee doesn’t kick in, and the leads don’t pan out. But the grind mentality teaches resilience – get up and dust yourself off, learn from the setbacks, and jump back in with even more resolve.

12. “Friday Night Lights,” Billy Bob Thornton

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In the film “Friday Night Lights,” Billy Bob Thornton plays Coach Gary Gaines, who delivers a powerful locker room speech about perfection. He defines perfection not as a flawless outcome but as the relentless effort to do your best under any circumstances. Perfection is about being able to look your teammates in the eye and know that you didn’t let them down because you gave it everything you had.

This motivational speech resonates deeply within the context of sports and can be equally inspiring for sales teams. The message is about commitment, effort, and integrity – it’s a reminder that the pursuit of excellence isn’t about achieving a perfect record but about striving to do your best with the resources and circumstances you have.

Wrapping Up

Motivation is an essential skill to have if you’re a team leader. It is handy in sales, where the work environment is competitive and often discouraging, especially for new sales reps. We are talking about constant pressure and failure, with targets that sometimes seem too unreachable.

But, as in any situation, a motivational speech can get you moving and grinding again. These 12 sales motivational videos are just a taste of what’s out there – and what you can create, too.

We recommend them if you feel in a rut, or need to motivate a sales team that has seen better results and days.

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