The 12 Best iPhone Productivity Apps in 2024

Boost productivity with the right iPhone apps.

Zight | May 29, 2020 | 13 min read time

Article Last Updated: July 01, 2024

The 12 Best iPhone Productivity Apps in 2024

We all want to be more productive. Fortunately, there are a plethora of amazing tools available to help us get more done in less time, starting with the supercomputer in all of our pockets: our iPhones. If you’re an iOS user, greater productivity is literally a thumb tap away.

The 12 iPhone productivity apps listed below have been carefully selected and each will help you become more efficient. Let’s get started!

1. OmniFocus 3

First up we have OmniFocus 3, a popular task management software that will help you accomplish more every single day. The latest version includes new features like tags, which allow users to add context to their tasks such as priority and difficulty levels; drag and drop task management; and more flexible and detailed notifications.

Of course, OmniFocus 3 also includes all the previous features that users have come to know and love. Use this iPhone productivity app to manage a daily calendar, keep track of todo list items, band tasks together into project groups, and sync your data between devices so it’s always accurate, whether you’re working on your phone, your iPad, or your Macbook.

A cross-platform version of OmniFocus 3 can be used for a monthly fee of $9.99 or an annual payment of $99.99. If you only want the iOS version, you can have it for $49.99 – $74.99 depending on which features you need access to.

2. ToDoist

More than 20 million people and teams use ToDoist across all devices and the iPhone app, specifically, has 30k glowing reviews. In other words, this is an incredibly popular and well-loved tool that you should definitely add to your tech stack.

“Great,” you’re thinking, “but what does it do?” Exactly what the name suggests…

Todoist is a todo list app that includes easy task creation capabilities, a recurring due date option, subtasks and priority features, task delegation ability, and an analytics dashboard, allowing you to free up mental space, regain clarity, and boost productivity to new heights — both at work and at home.

Another plus: Todoist can be used for free! If you want access to premium features, prices start at $3 per user, which is still very affordable.

3. 24me Smart Personal Assistant

Have you ever wished you had a personal assistant? You know, someone to manage your calendar, keep track of important todo list items, and take notes for you. Now you can have one without paying through the nose!

24me Smart Personal Assistant is an award-winning app that can be accessed for just $5.99 a month or $35.99 a year. For that small fee, you’ll get a ton of horsepower. Multi-view calendar? Check. Drag and drop task editor? Check. Easy note-taking capabilities? Check!

But that’s not all. 24me also includes unique features like the ability to send gifts (read: gift cards to major retailers like Amazon, Brookstone, and Victoria’s Secret) to friends, family, and colleagues; host video conference calls; and map directions — all without ever leaving the app.

Our productivity levels are rising just thinking about this awesome iPhone app!

4. Streaks

‍Maintaining productivity is difficult. If you’re having a hard time motivating yourself to get more done in less time, you might consider gamifying the process. Streaks is one of the best iPhone productivity apps for this purpose.

Add up to 12 tasks to the Streaks app. These tasks can be business related (make 50 sales calls) or personal (practice guitar) it doesn’t matter. Every time you complete your chosen tasks, you extend your streak, which the app tracks for you. Knowing that your streak will end and you’ll have to start over if you don’t complete a task is really motivating!

The Streaks app can be purchased for $4.99.

5. Toggl

It’s almost impossible to boost your productivity levels if you don’t know how you’re spending your time. That’s where Toggl comes in. This time tracking app is super easy to use, works on multiple devices, includes calendar integration, and features detailed analytics that you can use to evaluate and improve your time management skills.

Simply tap a button on your iPhone to track the time you spend working, exercising, cooking dinner, or anything else you happen to be doing. Then tap the same button when you complete the task. Don’t have a free hand? Toggl is compatible with Siri for hands-free usage. Once your time is tracked, visit the analytics dashboard to see how your time was spent and which areas of your day you can make more productive.

Toggl offers a basic plan which is completely free to use. If you want access to premium features, plans start at $9 a month.

6. Evernote

Evernote has been a top option for years when it comes to iPhone productivity apps. This handy tool allows users to take notes on their phones, organize them efficiently, easily recall information, and quickly share ideas with others.

But Evernote is more than a convenient writing tool. Users can add attachments, clip web pages, record voice memos, and scan documents, too. The productivity tool also includes project management features that allow entire teams to reach peak productivity.

Evernote pricing ranges from $0 to $14.99 a month per user, depending on the features needed.

7. Asana

‍Asana is everyone’s favorite project management software. But did you know that they have a mobile version for iOS? Now you do!

This iPhone productivity app includes many features that it’s big brother (the desktop application) does such as easy project creation; the ability to add assignees, due dates, and files to tasks; and in-app chat capabilities. And, of course, the Asana mobile app syncs with the desktop version so you’re always up to date on every device.

You can greatly improve your productivity by working on your phone while you’re out. If you’re already a desktop Asana user, then this app is a no-brainer. Download it for free today.

8. G Suite

You know what’s great about G Suite? It’s not just one app, it’s an entire collection of awesome, productivity-boosting tools that you can use to get more done in less time. Here’s a quick list of some of the mobile goodness inside the suite:

  • Gmail: Gmail is one of the most popular email providers on the planet, for both business and personal users. If you’re not satisfied with Apple’s built in email service, download Gmail and message your friends and coworkers in the environment you prefer.
  • Google Docs: Google Docs is an awesome collaboration tool. The word processor makes it possible to write documents, share ideas with colleagues, edit each other’s work, and more — wherever you happen to be.
  • Google Sheets: Spreadsheets are a staple in just about every business. Download this Google app and check company finances, customer databases, and more from the convenience of your phone.
  • Google Slides: Ready to create a presentation? Download Google Slides and do it on your iPhone. The tool is easy to use and will allow you to quickly make and share eye-catching slideshows with your colleagues and clients.
  • Google Meet: Video conferencing is all the rage right now. It makes sense; talking with someone rather than sending dozens of emails back and forth is a more efficient and personable way to communicate. Download Meet to your iOS device and host company meetings on your phone as you travel or sit on the couch.
  • Google Drive: Lastly, we have Google Drive, a Dropbox alternative that allows users to easily store, organize, find, and send files to each other.

Each of these apps boost productivity by giving you access to the desktop tools you’re used to using, while on your mobile device. Win!

9. Dropbox

Dropbox is the cloud storage and file sharing OG. The iOS version gives users many of the same features available inside the desktop tool. In a nutshell, you can use this productivity app to backup photos and videos, share large files via convenient download links, and scan documents using your iPhone’s camera.

If you want premium perks like additional storage space, commenting ability, and access to watermarks and share link controls, you can pay $11.99+ a month. If not, Dropbox is completely free to use.

10. LastPass

You know what’s not productive? Fumbling through your phone’s notes for five minutes looking for a password, only to not find it and have to go through another password reset sequence. With LastPass, you’ll never have to experience that scenario again.

LastPass is a password management app that stores all of your passwords — bank account, project management app, Netflix — in a secure vault. When you visit different sites and apps, LastPass will autofill your login credentials, provided you remember the unique LassPass master password you set up for your account.

LastPass will save you time and ensure your login credentials are as secure as possible. Get started today for free or access premium features for $35.99.

11. Apple Shortcuts

Technically, Apple Shortcuts isn’t an app. But it’s available on iOS devices and will make you so much more productive that we had to include it in this list.

If you’re not familiar with the tool, Shortcuts allows iPhone users to run detailed workflows in order to accomplish detailed tasks more efficiently. For example, Shortcuts can be programmed to download YouTube content directly to your phone so that it can be watched at any time — a task that’s incredibly difficult to do on one’s own.

Other easy Shortcuts to set up include a simple tip calculator, the ability to pinpoint the exact locations featured in your favorite photos on the web, and the option to automatically search Amazon for specific products by simply scanning the products barcode.

Use Shortcuts on your iPhone for free and boost your productivity immediately.

12. Zight (formerly CloudApp) for iOS

Last, but certainly not least, we have Zight (formerly CloudApp) for iOS. Like the desktop version, Zight (formerly CloudApp) for iOS allows users to record their iPhone screens and instantly upload the files to a digital database for safe keeping. Saved recordings can also be sent to friends and colleagues with the tap of a finger. It’s visual communication at its finest!

Imagine being able to record yourself demonstrating a workflow or activity rather than having to type out directions in an email. You’ll save so much time and your recipients will understand what you’re trying to tell them much better.

The best part is, Zight (formerly CloudApp) for iOS can be used for free. Download it today and boost both productivity and communication clarity with zero added effort.

Bonus Tips for Maximizing Productivity with iPhone Apps

Customize Your Notifications

One of the most powerful features of iPhones is the ability to customize notifications. To avoid being overwhelmed by constant alerts, take some time to set up notification preferences for each app. This will ensure that you only receive the most important notifications and can avoid distractions from less critical updates.

Utilize Widgets for Quick Access

Widgets are a fantastic way to access app information quickly without having to open the app. For productivity apps, consider adding widgets to your home screen for features like to-do lists, calendar events, or note-taking. This can save you time and help you stay on top of your tasks with a quick glance.

Leverage Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts can streamline your daily routines by automating frequent tasks. For example, you can set up a shortcut to open your task manager and create a new task with a simple voice command. Explore the possibilities within the Shortcuts app to create custom workflows that suit your needs.

Enable Focus Mode

Focus Mode, introduced in iOS 15, allows you to customize your device settings to help you concentrate. You can create different focus profiles for work, personal time, or sleep, each with specific app notifications and home screen layouts. This helps minimize distractions and keeps you focused on the task at hand.

Explore Third-Party Keyboards

While the default iPhone keyboard is efficient, third-party keyboards can offer additional features like swipe typing, predictive text, and even custom shortcuts. Apps like Gboard or SwiftKey provide enhanced typing experiences that can speed up your communication and make entering data quicker.

Organize Your Apps Efficiently

Grouping your productivity apps into folders and placing them on your main home screen can save time and reduce clutter. Consider organizing your apps by category (e.g., communication, task management, notes) so that you can easily find and access them when needed.

Use Built-In Reminders and Calendar Apps

The Reminders and Calendar apps on the iPhone are powerful tools for staying organized. Make full use of these apps by setting reminders for important tasks and scheduling events. Syncing these with your other devices ensures that you stay on track no matter where you are.

Maximize Cloud Storage

Cloud storage services like iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox are essential for accessing your documents and files from anywhere. Ensure that your productivity apps are synced with your preferred cloud service to keep your data secure and accessible across all your devices.

Take Advantage of Voice Memos

Voice Memos is a handy app for capturing ideas and information on the go. Whether you’re in a meeting, driving, or simply away from your desk, using Voice Memos can help you quickly record thoughts without needing to type them out.

Automate with IFTTT and Zapier

IFTTT (If This Then That) and Zapier are automation tools that can connect your apps and automate tasks. For example, you can set up an automation to add new email attachments directly to a specific folder in your cloud storage or create calendar events from new tasks in your task manager.

Optimize Battery Life

Nothing hampers productivity like a dead battery. To make sure your iPhone lasts throughout the day, manage your battery usage by disabling unnecessary background app refreshes, reducing screen brightness, and using Low Power Mode when necessary.

Regularly Update Your Apps

Keeping your apps updated ensures you have the latest features and security improvements. Set your iPhone to automatically update apps or regularly check for updates in the App Store to make sure you’re benefiting from the newest enhancements.

Use Safari’s Reading List

Safari’s Reading List feature allows you to save articles and web pages to read later, even offline. This is perfect for keeping track of important information and staying focused on your work without the distraction of immediate reading.

Set Up Email Filters and Rules

Email management is crucial for productivity. Use filters and rules within your email app to automatically sort incoming messages. This helps prioritize important emails and keeps your inbox organized, reducing the time spent managing your emails.

Embrace Dark Mode

Dark Mode can reduce eye strain, especially in low-light environments, and may help conserve battery life on OLED screens. Most productivity apps support Dark Mode, so enable it in your device settings for a more comfortable viewing experience.

Schedule Downtime

Scheduling downtime helps maintain a healthy work-life balance. Use the Screen Time feature to set limits on app usage and schedule downtime periods where only essential apps are accessible. This can help you unwind and reduce digital fatigue.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

For added security, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your productivity apps. This adds an extra layer of protection for your data, ensuring that even if your password is compromised, your information remains secure.

Utilize Note-Taking Apps

Note-taking apps like Evernote, Notion, or Apple Notes are invaluable for capturing ideas, meeting notes, and to-do lists. These apps often include features like tagging, search, and integration with other productivity tools, making it easier to organize and retrieve information.

Explore Time-Tracking Apps

Time-tracking apps like Toggl or Hours can help you understand how you’re spending your time and identify areas for improvement. Use these apps to log your activities and gain insights into your productivity patterns.

Stay Updated with News and Information

Apps like Flipboard or Feedly can help you stay informed about industry news and trends without overwhelming your workflow. Customize your feed to include only the most relevant sources and topics, ensuring that you stay up-to-date without wasting time.

Set Clear Goals

Using goal-setting apps like Strides or Goals on Track can help you define and track your objectives. These apps provide visual progress trackers and reminders, keeping you motivated and focused on achieving your targets.

Practice Digital Minimalism

Avoid app overload by practicing digital minimalism. Regularly review and declutter your apps, keeping only those that genuinely enhance your productivity. This reduces distractions and makes it easier to find and use the tools that matter most.

Take Breaks with Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working in focused intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by short breaks. Apps like Focus Booster or Be Focused help you implement this technique, promoting sustained productivity and preventing burnout.

Sync Across Devices

Ensure that your productivity apps are synced across all your devices. This allows you to seamlessly transition between your iPhone, iPad, and computer, ensuring that you always have access to your tasks, notes, and documents.

Leverage Augmented Reality (AR) Apps

Augmented Reality apps can enhance your productivity by providing innovative ways to visualize information. For example, use AR to create virtual whiteboards for brainstorming sessions or visualize 3D models for project planning.

Invest in Quality Accessories

Investing in quality accessories like Bluetooth keyboards, styluses, or external monitors can significantly enhance your productivity. These tools can make your iPhone more versatile, turning it into a powerful workstation for various tasks.

Use Password Managers

Password managers like 1Password or LastPass can save you time by securely storing and auto-filling your passwords. This ensures you can quickly access your productivity apps without the hassle of remembering multiple passwords.

Stay Healthy with Wellness Apps

Productivity isn’t just about work; it’s also about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Use wellness apps like MyFitnessPal or Headspace to track your fitness goals, meditate, and ensure you’re taking care of your physical and mental well-being.

Experiment with New Apps

The App Store is constantly evolving, with new productivity apps being released regularly. Keep an eye out for innovative apps that can offer new ways to enhance your productivity. Don’t be afraid to try out new tools and see how they fit into your workflow.

Seek Community Support

Many productivity apps have online communities or forums where users share tips, tricks, and workflows. Joining these communities can provide valuable insights and support, helping you make the most of your apps and discover new productivity hacks.

By integrating these tips into your daily routine, you can maximize the effectiveness of your iPhone productivity apps and achieve a higher level of efficiency and organization in your personal and professional life.

Boost Your Productivity

If you’re an iOS user, you have the power to become productive. You just have to download one (or all!) of the iPhone productivity apps we mentioned in this article. Whether you need a better calendar tool, a proven project management solution, an easy to use screen recorder, or something else, the list above will help you find it. Here’s to greater productivity!

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