15 Benefits of Video Marketing You’re Probably Missing Out On

Video has the potential to go big, go viral, and also rack up millions of views plus engagement and conversions. That means video marketing has more potential than ever, and every business needs to maximize it. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the benefits of video marketing.

Ann Muthoni | September 16, 2024 | 10 min read time

Article Last Updated: September 16, 2024

15 Benefits of Video Marketing You’re Probably Missing Out On

In today’s fast-paced world of YouTube, TikTok, live streams, Instagram Stories, webinars, and beyond, where we are constantly scrolling, swiping, and streaming, it’s clear that video content has become supreme. Whether it’s a quick how-to clip or a brand story that tugs at your heartstrings, video marketing is where businesses win big. Why? Because it grabs attention, sticks in your memory, and drives action like no other medium over your competition when done right. And there’s the key. When done right. So how do you do it right? The easiest way is by pairing it with the right tools.

Take Zight, for example. With features like dynamic screen recording and GIF-making capabilities, businesses can instantly create videos that capture their audience’s interest. Whether you’re recording a demo, adding a personal touch with a webcam overlay, or using annotations to emphasize key points, Zight helps you streamline the process and make an impact. Plus, with easily shareable links and privacy settings, sharing content securely has never been easier.

For companies looking to stay relevant, embracing video marketing isn’t just a trend or optional, and we’ve listed the reasons why. Therefore, if video content isn’t part of your social media marketing strategy yet and you are missing out on video marketing because you don’t know how it can help you connect with your consumers, it’s the perfect time to dive in. Below are some key benefits of integrating video into your digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of Video Marketing

To highlight the value of video content, we’ve identified the benefits of video marketing for your local business below.

1. Increase Conversion Rates

When content is compelling and interesting, users are more likely to convert. Videos allow you to create content that users can engage with and digest quicker than reading. Therefore, investing in video marketing is a smart move since adding videos to your website can boost conversions by nearly 80%. High-quality videos have the power to sway buying decisions, turning casual visitors into leads and leads into customers.

One of the most effective ways to use video on your landing page is through an explainer video. This short, engaging clip allows customers to quickly understand what your product or service offers in a visually appealing or entertaining way.

In addition, staying updated with video trends is crucial. Right now, popular options include product demos and customer reviews. How-to videos are another hit because people like to watch videos about products and how they work. This is especially true for expensive products. After all, if you’re going to spend a lot of money, you want to know the product works.

Often, videos end with a call to action (CTA), such as “Click Here” or “Buy Now.” This brief, clear message prompts viewers to take the next step and helps convert them into customers.

By incorporating such videos in your marketing campaign, you not only capture customer interest but also significantly enhance your chances of increasing conversions and driving sales beyond your expectations.

2. Increase Website Traffic

Driving traffic to your website is the main goal of digital marketing, and online video marketing can be a powerful tool to achieve this.

By sharing videos on social media, YouTube, and your site, you can catch people’s attention and encourage them to visit your website for more details about what you offer.

Additionally, videos are highly shareable. When viewers share your content, it extends your reach beyond your immediate audience, bringing in new visitors through their networks. This sharing not only amplifies your message but also draws valuable referral traffic to your website.

3. Video Content Can Increase Revenue

Ultimately, boosting revenue is often the main goal for businesses. Here’s how incorporating video content can directly drive up your sales:

  • Product Demonstrations: Videos are perfect for showcasing your product’s features and benefits. Whether you’re offering a virtual tour of your software or a live demo of a physical product, videos can clearly show potential customers how your offerings meet their needs, often leading to increased sales.
  • Upselling and Cross-selling: You can use videos to promote related products or services. For example, if a customer is watching a video about a smartphone, you can feature compatible accessories like cases or headphones. This approach can open up opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, raising your average transaction value.
  • Tutorials and User Guides: Video tutorials and guides can help reduce customer support tickets. When customers easily find answers through videos, they’re more likely to complete a purchase and feel assured about their choice.
  • Monetization: If your videos attract a large audience on platforms like YouTube, you can monetize through ads and sponsorships, adding another revenue stream to your business.
  • Email Marketing: Incorporate videos into your email marketing campaigns to boost open rates and click-through rates. Videos that link to product pages or special promotions can drive more traffic and increase sales.

4. Boost Customer Retention

Retaining your existing customers is often more budget-friendly than attracting new ones, and customer retention is one of the main benefits of video marketing.

So, how does video marketing help with keeping your customers happy? It deepens your connection with them. By offering exclusive content like how-to guides, product demos, or behind-the-scenes footage, you keep your customers engaged and informed.

Regularly providing this kind of video content shows that you value their loyalty and are dedicated to their satisfaction. It encourages them to return and strengthens their bond with your brand.

Additionally, using video to address common questions or concerns makes it easier for customers to find the answers they need, helping to prevent issues and maintain strong, positive relationships.

5. Provides Competitive Advantage

Although video marketing offers significant benefits for small and local businesses, many marketers aren’t fully leveraging this strategy. Shockingly, only 26% of marketers prioritize creating marketing videos, which is a missed opportunity!

With ads and promotions bombarding people everywhere, a standout video marketing strategy can make all the difference by giving you a competitive edge. Video is an excellent way to showcase what makes your business special, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and establish yourself as a top contender in your community.

Fortunately, 45% of marketers are planning to get into video marketing, so starting now could put you ahead of the curve.

6. Videos Influence Buying Decisions

One reason video marketing can significantly increase conversion rates is its impact on buying decisions. A lot of users turn to online videos to research and make purchases, and hence video plays a crucial role in the customer experience and consumer action. It’s present at nearly every touchpoint, whether on social media or your website. This helps potential customers better understand your brand, evaluate their choices, and make decisions.

By leveraging the right mix of videos tailored to your target audience, you can achieve outstanding results. Luckily with Zight, you can take advantage of features like screen recording, GIF creation, and customizable video editing to craft engaging content for every stage of your buyer’s journey.

7. Influencer Marketing

For both local and online businesses, influencer marketing is an effective way to reach new audiences and build trust. External reviews can be incredibly valuable in leading more traffic or sales to your business, thereby increasing your audience and developing a particularly impressive ROI for your video marketing efforts.

Partnering with a well-known influencer to review your product or service will not only build trust and credibility with your audience but will also help spread the word about your business through a trusted and influential voice.

By combining influencer partnerships with video, you will create an engaging experience that highlights your products or services, going beyond a simple endorsement to offer something more immersive and impactful.

8. Search Engines Love Videos

Visibility is everything, and that’s where search engine optimization (SEO) becomes crucial. Video marketing can boost your search engine rankings by keeping visitors on your site longer and lowering your bounce rate. Incorporating video into your marketing strategy can also attract more organic traffic to your website.

Search engines like Google tend to favor websites with multimedia content, including videos. By optimizing your video with the right keywords and metadata, you can enhance your site’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

When people spend more time on your website, search engines interpret this as a sign of quality and relevance, which can enhance your search ranking. Engaging video content can attract backlinks from other sites plus, videos often show up as featured snippets, increasing both visibility and click-through rates.

9. Social Media Engagement

It didn’t take long for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even LinkedIn to jump on the video bandwagon. The reason? Countless studies have shown that video marketing outperforms other strategies by a wide margin.

And let’s not forget the rapid rise of social media platforms built solely around video, like the short-form video content on TikTok, which has taken off, especially among younger audiences.

A quick heads-up: if you’re planning to engage your audience through social media, keep in mind that each video platform has specific video sizes and specs you’ll need to follow.

10. Videos Boost Email Marketing Performance

Email marketing is a classic approach that can drive significant results for any business. When you pair it with video, you can achieve impressive outcomes.

Videos naturally capture your subscribers’ attention more effectively than other video content formats. They not only make your emails more engaging but also encourage clicks on your calls to action. People see brand videos as more genuine and trustworthy. Most importantly, incorporating video into your emails enhances the overall experience for your prospects, helping to build long-term loyalty with engaging and memorable content.

Luckily, there are no rules to the type of video content you can and cannot use in your video marketing strategy. Choose a new video type for each email, or you can add multiple email types in a single email. It’s all up to you. Some video types marketers popularly use in email include company updates, explainer videos, customer testimonials, sales, and demos.

Pro Tip: Make email marketing easier for your brand by creating your online video content with Zight. With Zight, you can access on-demand video editing services that streamline the process. Try it out with a free demo today!

11. Video Appeals to Mobile Users

Video marketing is a fantastic way to connect with mobile users, who tend to favor content that’s easy to access and enjoy while they’re on the go. Mobile users are a driving force for video consumption. As smartphones and mobile devices become more prevalent, video has quickly risen as a popular choice for watching videos wherever people are, and short videos are easy to watch in those moments.

This convenience boosts the chances of mobile users engaging with your content. Plus, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have made short-form videos a hit, allowing brands to reach mobile audiences with quick, visually captivating content.

By focusing on mobile-friendly video marketing, you’re reaching a rapidly growing audience and maximizing your potential impact.

12. Videos Complement Marketing Strategies

What’s great about video marketing is that it can perfectly complement your current marketing strategy. Let’s say you are currently doing weekly blog posts for your business. You can convert these blogs into a video format and even add further content in the form of video. This is an easy way to capture more attention and keep your audience engaged.

Another way video marketing can complement other marketing strategies is by converting your how-to blogs into how-to videos. This offers your target audience another way of engaging with you, and it translates your content into another popular format.

Generally, there are countless ways to boost your current strategies and combine them—whether it’s video with blogs or social media—that can help you expand your reach and create stronger engagement across the board.

13. Video Encourages Social Shares

Another reason to get into video content marketing is that videos are highly shareable and can dramatically extend your brand’s reach.

When viewers share your videos on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, your content gets exposed to their networks, boosting visibility. This viral effect can spark increased brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, and even lead to higher conversions.

To maximize social sharing, create videos that emotionally connect with your audience. Include social sharing buttons and clear calls to action to encourage viewers to spread the word.

14. Video Builds Brand Trust and Credibility

Trust and credibility are crucial in business, and video marketing can play a key role in building these traits. Videos add a personal touch to your brand by showing the faces behind them. When customers see the real people supporting your products or services, it creates a stronger connection and builds trust.

Additionally, sharing informative and valuable content through video helps establish your brand as a knowledgeable authority in your industry. Consistently offering insights, answering common questions, or solving problems shows you know your stuff, reinforcing your reliability.

Videos like product demos or how-tos don’t just provide value; they also prove your expertise and authenticity, further boosting customer trust.

15. Video Content Encourages the Laziest Buyers

In e-commerce, not all shoppers are on the same page. Some are eager to buy, while others need a little more convincing. That’s where video content can work wonders, even for the most hesitant buyers.

For those on the fence or just starting their buying journey, creating videos like product demos, customer testimonials, and explainer videos offers clarity and confidence. They address key concerns while highlighting the value of your products.

Plus, buyers who aren’t keen on reading long descriptions can get the information they need quickly through video. By breaking down complex details into easy-to-digest content, you increase the likelihood of converting these potential buyers into customers.


Video marketing is a good strategy you should incorporate into your business plan. With different types of video content available, you can choose the one that best fits your brand’s needs.

In addition, combining video with other marketing strategies can help you achieve the greatest reach and engagement. It’s time for businesses to seriously consider introducing video into their marketing plan.

Lastly, combining the best video marketing strategy with the right tools, such as Zight, to create engaging videos for your business will give you a competitive edge. Why not start today?

Create & share screenshots, screen recordings, and GIFs with Zight