Creating great experiences for your customers is the foundation of any successful business, regardless of the industry that they operate in. Your customers make up the backbone of your business, and without satisfying them, your business will fail. One essential component of creating a great customer experience is video.This year, more than 80% of the global internet consumption will be video. Put another way, customers are starting to expect videos from brands. It’s no longer optional.
What this means is that brands and businesses who have the goal of growing their market share using digital media have a tall order — the need to create videos that enhance each customer’s experience, while still keeping things fresh, interesting and current. What makes videos so effective in the customer experience cycle? How can you incorporate them into your current customer experience strategy? Let’stake a look.
Why Videos Are So Effective
The simple answer is that our brains love video content. While everyone has different learning styles and different ways of absorbing information, we can’t change the way our brains are wired. And that wiring gives us each a predisposition to enjoying video over written content. Studies show that after reading this blog post you’ll retain maybe 10% of it, but our brains retain close to 95% of a message if they watch a video.
But, our brains aren’t the only thing that loves video content. Social media algorithms on Facebook and Instagram are actually wired to prioritize video, and because of the fact that humans love videos so much these two conditions combine to create the perfect conditions for viral video content. A statistic that puts this all into perspective, is the fact 92% of people share a video after watching it. This way, you’ll be reaching more people organically.
The last reason why videos are so effective is the fact that Google ranks video content better than it does written content like blog posts. Because of this, you are able to reach a wider, organic audience by creating and posting videos that appeal to your target market, versus written content that may not gain as much traction.
Now that we’ve discovered the secret to video effectiveness, let’s take a look at how you can incorporate videos in your brand’s customer experience.
One Way To Incorporate Videos Into Customer Experience
Customers care about the experiences they have. In fact, in a study done by Oracle, 88% of buyers will pay more for better brand experience, but only 1% believe that brands consistently meet their expectations. Put another way, customers want to spend more money with businesses, but most businesses aren’t doing enough to make their customers feel that way. So, how can brands improve on this metric and consistently create immersive experiences for their customers? By using video.
It’s no secret that customers love the human element of brand experiences, and with video, you’re able to do just that. One way that you can incorporate videos in a way that enhances your customer experience, is to record videos of a member of your team walking a potential customer through a common customer service issue, or common software snag. These videos create a connection that enhances the experience each customer has.
Zight (formerly CloudApp) is one way that you can create these customer-experience-enhancing videos. Our easy-to-use screen recorder gives brands a better way to acquire, engage, and support their customers with quick,shareable videos and images. With Zight (formerly CloudApp), you’ll be able to harness the power of video in a way that both easy and affordable.