What Is a Support Ticket? A Quick Definition

Handling numerous customer inquiries effectively is key, and this is where support ticket systems shine. Each support ticket gets a unique identifier, ensuring no problem goes unaddressed. Instead of customers feeling frustrated, support tickets offer a structured approach to resolving their concerns quickly. Below, we’ll explore what support tickets are, how they work, and their benefits.

Zight | September 15, 2021 | 4 min read time

Article Last Updated: August 28, 2024

What Is a Support Ticket? A Quick Definition

It’s a given that customers are going to run into trouble with any product or service a company offers. It’s how you handle the fallout that determines whether your company will be remembered as a failure or a success.

The way to turn a customer service fiasco into a marketing win is to make sure your customers know exactly where to go for assistance and then make sure they get what they need when they need it. In today’s fast-paced, high-tech world, it’s easy for companies to lose sight of this simple concept. That’s where customer support tools and technology come in to help you establish an efficient business.

What Is a Support Ticket?

At a high level, a support ticket is a document that records interactions between a customer and a customer support representative. A customer submits an inquiry through a variety of communication channels, which gets recorded as a support ticket and is accessible by both the customer and the support rep. Support tickets are incredibly helpful to customers, support teams, and companies alike. For customers, it’s a way to get help with simple questions. For support teams, tickets are a way to track and prioritize issues and for companies, tickets are an essential part of any customer service strategy. And for companies, resolved tickets are valuable reference points for identifying problems with its product or service.

By resolving support tickets, support reps and companies are guiding their users to understand more about their product or service and establishing an enjoyable customer experience. Support reps can use the most commonly asked questions as feedback for the business on what can be improved or changed.

As companies grow, they often deal with an increasing volume of support tickets from multiple locations and languages. This can make it difficult to track all requests, which can lead to delayed responses or poor customer service. Support groups allow you to bundle multiple locations and languages under a single support group and assign an agent who will handle tickets from those locations at once. You can also add new ticket types that the agent will receive for each location in the group — for example, if you have one email address on your website that customers use to contact support, you could create a “ticket type” that only includes these emails so they don’t get mixed in with other types of tickets.


What is a Support Ticket System?

A support ticket system is a software that allows support reps and customers to easily track cases and the status of their support tickets, improving efficiency in customer support. Support ticket systems accomplish this by creating a historical record, which is crucial for billing and auditing as well as combining all support data on one system.

It’s important to choose a ticket system that fits your business needs. Some are more complex than others, feature heavy-duty integrations with other systems in your organization, or require you to pay for features you don’t need (or can build yourself).

How does it work? First, you create a support ticket for your company’s main email address. That support ticket is then sent to all of your team members who can respond directly from their inboxes. They’ll also receive all updates and notifications in real-time so they can stay up to date on the status of their tickets.

If your company is growing, chances are your number of customer support inquiries are going to grow too. If you’re not able to keep up with the growing demand for customer support, your customers are going to be very unhappy. That’s why it’s important that you hire a team of qualified and experienced customer support representatives as soon as possible and to keep your support ticket system updated for maximum efficiency.

Support tickets and support ticket systems are helping improve the productivity and performance of businesses today. Finding the customer support technology that fits your needs is essential to boosting your business and satisfying your customers, so it’s wise to add it to your list of business technologies.

Want to learn more about how you can provide a better customer support experience?

Learn how Buffer, a social media management tool, was able to connect and satisfy the needs of their customers with detailed visuals. They used Zight (formerly CloudApp) screen recordings to solve their customer support tickets efficiently, read about their story here.

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