How to Provide Constructive Feedback with Zight

Constructive feedback is the tool that drives growth in a workplace. With it, you understand what works and what needs improving, and this is how you end up with better workflows, products, customer support, and more. In this article, we are going to show you how, with Zight, you can provide crystal-clear feedback through HD videos and annotated screenshots. Here’s more!

Zight | April 04, 2022 | 6 min read time

Article Last Updated: August 28, 2024

How to Provide Constructive Feedback with Zight

In any workplace, proper feedback can boost team morale and productivity. Yet, over 65% of workers say they need more feedback, and less than 35% say they get constructive feedback. Accurate and consistent feedback is essential for learning, growing, and ultimately being an effective and productive employee.

The factors that lead to constructive feedback are often complicated. It’s often difficult to find the right tone, and to deliver information as clearly as possible. For instance, when interacting with a colleague face-to-face, it’s relatively easier to convey the correct information and maintain the right tone. However, the content, tone, and context may get misconstrued when you try to share the same message via text.

Async video is a revolutionary tool for delivering accurate and consistent feedback at work. Using tools, such as Zight (formerly CloudApp), you can preserve the subtle details—tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions—that significantly affect how your message is received and perceived. Zight (formerly CloudApp) also offers a more effective and faster way to communicate with colleagues and customers. 

Let’s now discuss how you can leverage Zight (formerly CloudApp) to enhance how you deliver constructive feedback effectively. 

1. Clarity

Suppose you’re a content manager giving feedback to a writer who has just written an article for your company. You’re ready to record a video using Zight (formerly CloudApp), but you want to ensure you remain on track while delivering your feedback. 

Two effective ways can help you avoid rambling and ensure your feedback is on track. One is to record your computer or laptop screen using Zight (formerly CloudApp), and you can markup and annotate specific paragraphs you’d like to emphasize. This way, your recipient knows what you’re focusing on.

Another tip is to have your talking points ready in advance and use Zight (formerly CloudApp)’s screen recorder to capture areas of your screen you’d like the writer to see. This option allows you to keep your notes up alongside the content you’re discussing to remain on track and convey your feedback concisely and clearly.

2. Personality

After setting up Zight (formerly CloudApp) in a way that works for you, it’s time to record your HD videos. One crucial tip to remember when using asynchronous video to deliver constructive feedback is that you’re starting a discussion, not writing a formal text or email.

Think of how you’d convey this feedback if you were doing it in person. Most likely, you’d smile at your recipients, greet them, and start with a bit of conversation. Also, you’d mix positive feedback with constructive points. Do the same via Zight (formerly CloudApp), too. Don’t be overly formal. Also, avoid making negative comments right off the bat without first greeting your audience or offering any context.

However, this isn’t about sugarcoating negative feedback, but about creating a space where your recipients feel more receptive, respective, encouraged to respond, and engaged. To deliver constructive feedback, you must also be transparent with your recipients. This will enable your recipients to be more receptive to what you’re saying.

3. Efficiency

Maybe you simply need to deliver quick and transactional feedback on a project your team is working on. Or you need to provide accurate and consistent feedback to your teammates all at once. Asynchronous video can help you speed up this process with no need for everyone to be online.

You can use Zight (formerly CloudApp) to create screenshots and HD videos that your team can watch at their own convenience to see your perspective on their achievements and areas they need to improve.

Constructive feedback is also a powerful tool to help you and your team avoid significant mistakes. Also, it can improve your team’s efficiency. So, it’s vital to speak up and share your thoughts rather than let your employees produce low-quality work. Constructive feedback also provides the following benefits: 

  • It can help you build relationships based on trust between you and your employees.
  • It gives your employees specific and measurable areas they need to improve on.
  • It helps employees feel happy with their job. 


By leveraging Zight (formerly CloudApp) to deliver feedback that emphasizes both the positive and negative, you can encourage and inspire your employees at the same time. 

4. Share and Invite Responses

At this point, you’ve recorded your Zight (formerly CloudApp) videos. You’ve expressed your input clearly. Now it’s time to share feedback with your team or colleagues. 

Ensure you title your Zight (formerly CloudApp) videos appropriately and add links or context in the note section if necessary. If this is a one-on-one piece of feedback, you might not want to publish it. However, if this feedback is helpful to many employees in your company, it’s crucial to post it in your workspace. Zight (formerly CloudApp) also allows you to personalize your HD screen recordings by including audio and webcam to provide valuable feedback to your team. Once you’ve recorded your video, Zight (formerly CloudApp) will upload the video for you and copy an embeddable link to your clipboard. You can easily paste that link to your chat, email, or other channels.

Of course, a live discussion is sometimes ideal for sharing feedback. But asynchronous video offers a more scalable, flexible, and effective way to communicate and collaborate with remote teams across the globe.

5. Flexibility

Suppose you’re delivering feedback to an employee who lives in a different country. In that case, you may want to use asynchronous videos so they watch them and digest the information at a convenient time. Using Zight (formerly CloudApp), you can also direct your recipients to what you need them to see while keeping sensitive information private. 

You can use GIFs as follow-along tutorials to deliver your message. Also, you can use annotated screen captures with circles, lines, and arrows to emphasize important details. Zight (formerly CloudApp) also enables you to create webcam screen recordings to deliver, which you can leverage to provide accurate and consistent feedback.

6. Complexity

If the feedback you wish to deliver is very complicated, using Zight (formerly CloudApp)’s screen recorder, you can collaborate with multidimensional teams via visual communications. From a large enterprise client to the smallest business customer, Zight (formerly CloudApp) simplifies how teams work together.

With Zight (formerly CloudApp), you can also save time by delivering your feedback visually. Save hours a day by streamlining how you share feedback. With HD videos, GIFs, and screen recordings, you can easily and quickly share feedback with your team by embedding visuals directly into shared docs, email, collaboration tools, and productivity apps. Also, Zight (formerly CloudApp) allows your team and colleagues to rewatch your message and read the transcript to understand how and where they need to improve.


Leverage Zight (formerly CloudApp) to Deliver Constructive Feedback

Since communication is the most crucial part of effective collaboration, incorporating HD videos, screenshots, screencasts, screen recordings, and GIFs into your content effectively infuses creativity and variety into teamwork. In the past, creating GIFs involved many steps. But now, Zight (formerly CloudApp) makes it possible to record and annotate GIFs in a few seconds. Besides adding variety and creativity to your workflows, GIFs can also help you share constructive feedback with your employees faster and respond to any questions. 
Discover ways to use Zight (formerly CloudApp) to respond to customer queries and concerns faster.

Create & share screenshots, screen recordings, and GIFs with Zight